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Jun 30, 2022

If parenting was stressful before the pandemic, during the COVID-19 global crisis, ⅔ of parents experienced some level of burnout.

The pandemic is not over and stress on parents is not going to magically go away and it is critical that we recognize and find ways to prevent burnout in parents. 

Kate Gawlik, an...

Jun 9, 2022

How many secrets do you have? Did you know that most peoples' secrets fall into 38 categories? 

Michael Slepian, the leading expert on the psychology of secrets on what secrets hurt most, the emotional and physical costs to keeping secrets, the 3 dimensions of a secret and sharing your secrets with a special chosen...

Jun 2, 2022

Today’s guest —Tracy Dennis-Tiwary, Ph.D strongly believes that we pervasively misunderstand anxiety and presents a new framework for reimagining and reclaiming the confounding emotion as the advantage that it evolved to be. 

She is a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Hunter College, the City University of...